terça-feira, 16 de setembro de 2014

Modal Verbs

● Tema: 
- Modal Verbs ( Should and Must) 
● Objetivos: 
- Identificar e empregar corretamente os Modal Verbs.
- Perceber a importância de se expressar, negar e responder,usando os Modal Verbs “Should e Must.

- Praticar os Modal Verbs “Should and Must” descrevendo ações expressando conselhos, obrigações e proibições. 
● Procedimento: 
- Os alunos, após pesquisarem sobre o uso dos Modal Verbs, escreverão algumas frases e as ilustrarão.  
● Avaliação: 
- Cumprimento dentro do prazo solicitado;
- Interesse e participação desde o início da tarefa (sala de aula); 
- Emprego correto de cada modal nas sentenças e a coesão nas sentenças. 

Present Perfect

* Meta:
- Identificar e verbalizar o Present Perfect Tense na letra de música

* Objetivos Gerais:
- Estudar e reconhecer a estrutura do Present Perfect Tense

* Objetivos Específicos:
- Identificar e empregar corretamente o Present Perfect Tense;
- Identificar a formação do Presente Perfect Tense;
- Compreender o vocabulário referente ao tema;
- Estudar a estrutura de classes de palavras através do vocabulário.

* Materiais e equipamentos:
-Folhas impressas;
- DVD;
- Internet ;
- Data show;
- Tela Interativa .

* Procedimentos:

- Os alunos assistirão um clip e ouvirão o áudio da letra “The Time of my Life” a ser apresentada;
- A Folha com atividades será distribuída aos alunos;
- Os alunos identificarão frases no uso do tempo verbal abordado;
- O professor repetirá o vídeo para os alunos resolverem as atividades de listening e para organizar a letra correta da música.

* Avaliação

- OS alunos serão avaliados com as atividades de Listening.

* Justificativa dos procedimentos

            A relação das imagens com as palavras do texto que pertençam ao respectivo campo semântico. Identificação e relação das formas verbais com os fatos. Ao observar a seqüência dos fatos, o aluno poderá identificar os aspectos verbais, ou seja, a seqüência lógica dos tempos verbais, assim como a relação lógica entre as formas verbais.   


quarta-feira, 20 de agosto de 2014

I just made a new Voki. See it here:

Voki Lesson Plan

Class Title: Grammar and Foreign Language

Lesson Title: Conjugation and Sentence Practice in a Foreign Language

Grade Level: Middle School and High School

Author: Nivaldo Marques

Description: Students are assigned verbs and must conjugate them and create an example
sentence with their Voki in whichever tense is being studied. The class then has a Voki reference to
verbal conjugations that can be accessed on the class website.

Students will
1. Understand conjugation of verbs
2. Write complete and grammatically correct sentences
3. Create an online database of conjugations for reference Elaborate upon what they have
already learned

1. Voki.com
Class Duration: 1 Day

1. Students each get a verb.
2. Students must conjugate the verb correctly and input the conjugations onto their Voki.
3. Students then create an example sentence using the verb correctly in the tense used for
4. Vokis can be embedded on one web page specifically made for conjugations.
5. Students can access the conjugations as reference or practice.

terça-feira, 12 de agosto de 2014

Passive Voice - Incorporando o Prezi

Aula de Língua Inglesa - incorporando o Prezi no blog
Aos alunos dos terceiro ano no Colégio Municipal Rui Barbosa.
Esse é um resumo de um dos assuntos que será cobrado na segunda avaliação. Espero que leiam com atenção e resolvam os exercícios que estou disponibilizando também. O gabarito das questões deixarei com os representantes de turma, dois dias antes da avaliação.
Bons estudos!!!

Questão I. Put the verbs in brackets into Past Simple Passive.

Two men _________________________ (see) breaking into a house in my street last night. The police _____________________ (call) and they arrived very quickly. One man _____________________ (catch) immediately. The other escaped, but he ______________________ (find) very soon. Both men _____________________ (take) to the police station where they _________________________ (question) separately by a police officer. The two men ________________________ (charge) with burglary.  

Questão II: complete the sentences with the correct form of verb to BE and the past participle form of the verbs given.  Use the apropriated tense.

 consider / read / invent  keep / steal /  paint / wash / wear / build

a) A World Trade Center Memorial _________________________ by New Yorkers in 2014.
b) Jeans _________________________ by millions of teenagers and adults around the world nowdays.
c) My bike _________________________! It was here Just a minute ago!
d) The famous painting Mona Lisa _________________________ in the Louvre Museum.
e) New forms of fuel _________________________ in the future.
f) My house _________________________ tomorrow.
g) Most scientists and inventors _________________________ crazy by pelople in their time.
h) My uniform _________________________ every day because I only have one.
i) Good books _________________________ in our school every week.   

Questão III: Assinale apenas com um X alternativa que corresponde à forma PASSIVA das frases a seguir:

1. Somebody left the lights on all night.

a) All night somebody left the lights.                    
b) The lights are left on all night.
c) The lights was left on all night.                                        
d) The lights were left on all night.


a) In 1945 Germany was defeated by allied powers.            
b) In 1945 Germany did defeated by the allied powers.
c) In 1945 Germany are defeated by the allied powers.
d) The allied powers were defeated by the Germany in 1945.
e) In 1945 Germany was defeat by the allied powers.

3. We’re encouraging the kids to go swimming.

a) The kids were being encouraged to go swimming.          
b) The kids are been encouraging to go swimming.
c) The kids are being encouraged to go swimming.             
d) The kids are encouraged to go swimming.

4. Picasso painted those works of arts.

a. Those works of arts were painted by Picasso.                        
b. Those works of arts are painted by Picasso
c. Those works of arts is painted by Picasso.                               
d. Those works of arts will be painted by Picasso.     

5. Peter washes the red cars every day.

a. The red cars is washed by Peter every day.                            
b. The red cars will be washed by Peter every day.    
c. The red cars is being washed by Peter every day.                   
d. The red cars are washed by Peter every day.

terça-feira, 5 de agosto de 2014

The Present Perfect Tense

Plano de Aula
Meta:Identificar e verbalizar o Present Perfect Tense na letra de música

Objetivos Gerais:
Estudar e reconhecer a estrutura do Present Perfect Tense

Objetivos Específicos:
- Identificar e empregar corretamente o Presente Perfect Tense;
- Identificar a formação do Presente Perfect Tense;
- Compreender o vocabulário referente ao tema;
- Estudar a estrutura de classes de palavras através do vocabulário.

Materiais e equipamentos:
• Folhas impressas;
• DVD;
• Internet ;
• Data show;
• Tela Interativa .

• Os alunos assistirão um clip e ouvirão o áudio da letra “The Time of my Life” a ser apresentada;
• A Folha com atividades será distribuída aos alunos;
• Os alunos identificarão frases no uso do tempo verbal abordado;
• O professor repetirá o vídeo para os alunos resolverem as atividades de listening e para organizar a letra correta da música.


• OS alunos serão avaliados com as atividades de Listening and Writing

Justificativa dos procedimentos

A relação das imagens com as palavras do texto que pertençam ao respectivo campo semântico. Identificação e relação das formas verbais com os fatos. Ao observar a seqüência dos fatos, o aluno poderá identificar os aspectos verbais, ou seja, a seqüência lógica dos tempos verbais, assim como a relação lógica entre as formas verbais.

(I've Had) The Time Of My Life
Dirty Dancing

Now I've had the time of my life
No, I've never felt like this before
Yes I swear it's the truth
And I owe it all to you
'Cause I've had the time of my life
And I owe it all to you
I've been waiting for so long
Now I've finally found someone
To stand by me
We saw the writing on the wall
As we felt this magical fantasy
Now with passion in our eyes
There's no way we could diguise it secretly
So we take each others hand
'Cause we seem to understand the urgency
Just remember
You're the one thing
I can't get enough of
So I'll tell you something
This could be love, because
I've had the time of my life
No I've never felt this way before
Yes I swear it's the truth,
And I owe it all to you
Hey Baby
With my body and soul
I want you more than you'll ever know
So we'll just let it go,
don't be afraid to lose control, no
Yes I know it's on your mind,
when you say "Stay with me tonight"
(Stay with me)
Just remember, you're the one thing,
I can't get enough of
So I'll tell you something,
This could be love because
I've had the time of my life,
(I've had the time of my life)
No, I've never felt this way before,
Yes I swear it's the truth
(Yes I swear)
And I owe it all to you
Cause I've had the time of my life
And I've searched through every open door
(through everywhere)
Till I found the truth
And I owe it all to you
Now I've had the time of my life
No I never felt this way before (Never Felt this way)
Yes I swear it's the truth
And I owe it all to you
I've had the time of my life
No I never felt this way before
Yes I swear it's the truth
And I owe it all to you
'Cause I've had the time of my life
And I've searched through every open door
Till I've found the truth
And I owe it all to you
A partir da letra de música “The Time Of My Life” responda às seguintes questões:


1) Liste, pelo menos, 3 (três) frases onde predomina-se o Present Perfect .

Frase I: __________________________________________________________________
Frase II: __________________________________________________________________
Frase III: __________________________________________________________________

2) No present Perfect, usamos o verbo principal no particípio passado. Encontre 4 (quatro) verbos já em sua forma anteriormente dita, escrevendo-os na forma infinitiva e com suas respectivas traduções:

Infinitive Form

3) A que/quem se refere o pronome objeto IT na linha 13? _____________________________

4) Sobre os termos em destaque, podemos afirmar que:

a)  “We saw the writing on the wall.” (line 10) é a forma de particípio passado do verbo to see.
b)  “'Cause I've had the time of my life.” (line 5) é um artigo definido.
c) “No, I've never felt like this before.”  (line 2) é um advérbio
d) “...don't be afraid to lose control, no.” (line 29) é um verbo auxiliar usado na forma negativa no Simple Past.

Frases no Present Perfect Tense

quarta-feira, 16 de abril de 2014

Imperative Form

Don't Shania Twain Don't! Don't you wish we'd tried? Do you feel what I feel inside? You know our love is stronger than pride No! Don't let your anger grow Just tell me what you need me to know Please talk to me -- don't close the door Cause' I wanna hear you, Wanna be near you Chorus: Don't fight! Don't argue! Give me the chance to say that I'm sorry Just let me love you Don't turn me away -- Don't tell me to go Don't! Don't give up on trust Don't give up on me -- on us If we could just hold on long enough We can do it! We'll get through it! Don't fight! Don't argue! Just give me the chance to say that I'm sorry Just let me love you Don't turn me away -- Don't tell me to go Don't pretend that it's okay Things won't get better that way Don't do something you might regret someday Don't! Don't give up on me We can do it! We'll get through it! Don't fight! Don't argue! Just give me the chance to say that I'm sorry Just let me love you Don't turn me away -- Don't tell me to go Oh! Don't! Don't fight! Don't argue! (Don't give up on me) give me the chance to say that I'm sorry (say that I'm sorry) Just let me love you (Don't give up on me) Don't turn me away -- Don't tell me to go Oh don't! Don't fight! Don't argue! Just give me the chance to say that I'm sorry (say that I'm sorry) Just let me love you (Don't give up on me) Don't turn me away -- Don't tell me to go! Link: http://www.vagalume.com.br/shania-twain/dont.html#ixzz2z6EpMddX