quarta-feira, 20 de agosto de 2014

I just made a new Voki. See it here:

Voki Lesson Plan

Class Title: Grammar and Foreign Language

Lesson Title: Conjugation and Sentence Practice in a Foreign Language

Grade Level: Middle School and High School

Author: Nivaldo Marques

Description: Students are assigned verbs and must conjugate them and create an example
sentence with their Voki in whichever tense is being studied. The class then has a Voki reference to
verbal conjugations that can be accessed on the class website.

Students will
1. Understand conjugation of verbs
2. Write complete and grammatically correct sentences
3. Create an online database of conjugations for reference Elaborate upon what they have
already learned

1. Voki.com
Class Duration: 1 Day

1. Students each get a verb.
2. Students must conjugate the verb correctly and input the conjugations onto their Voki.
3. Students then create an example sentence using the verb correctly in the tense used for
4. Vokis can be embedded on one web page specifically made for conjugations.
5. Students can access the conjugations as reference or practice.

Um comentário:

  1. Olá Nivaldo!
    Ótima proposta!
    Na sua área, o Voki pode ser utilizado como atividade avaliativa!
    Abraço e sucesso!
    Jaqueline Godinho
