terça-feira, 12 de agosto de 2014

Passive Voice - Incorporando o Prezi

Aula de Língua Inglesa - incorporando o Prezi no blog
Aos alunos dos terceiro ano no Colégio Municipal Rui Barbosa.
Esse é um resumo de um dos assuntos que será cobrado na segunda avaliação. Espero que leiam com atenção e resolvam os exercícios que estou disponibilizando também. O gabarito das questões deixarei com os representantes de turma, dois dias antes da avaliação.
Bons estudos!!!

Questão I. Put the verbs in brackets into Past Simple Passive.

Two men _________________________ (see) breaking into a house in my street last night. The police _____________________ (call) and they arrived very quickly. One man _____________________ (catch) immediately. The other escaped, but he ______________________ (find) very soon. Both men _____________________ (take) to the police station where they _________________________ (question) separately by a police officer. The two men ________________________ (charge) with burglary.  

Questão II: complete the sentences with the correct form of verb to BE and the past participle form of the verbs given.  Use the apropriated tense.

 consider / read / invent  keep / steal /  paint / wash / wear / build

a) A World Trade Center Memorial _________________________ by New Yorkers in 2014.
b) Jeans _________________________ by millions of teenagers and adults around the world nowdays.
c) My bike _________________________! It was here Just a minute ago!
d) The famous painting Mona Lisa _________________________ in the Louvre Museum.
e) New forms of fuel _________________________ in the future.
f) My house _________________________ tomorrow.
g) Most scientists and inventors _________________________ crazy by pelople in their time.
h) My uniform _________________________ every day because I only have one.
i) Good books _________________________ in our school every week.   

Questão III: Assinale apenas com um X alternativa que corresponde à forma PASSIVA das frases a seguir:

1. Somebody left the lights on all night.

a) All night somebody left the lights.                    
b) The lights are left on all night.
c) The lights was left on all night.                                        
d) The lights were left on all night.


a) In 1945 Germany was defeated by allied powers.            
b) In 1945 Germany did defeated by the allied powers.
c) In 1945 Germany are defeated by the allied powers.
d) The allied powers were defeated by the Germany in 1945.
e) In 1945 Germany was defeat by the allied powers.

3. We’re encouraging the kids to go swimming.

a) The kids were being encouraged to go swimming.          
b) The kids are been encouraging to go swimming.
c) The kids are being encouraged to go swimming.             
d) The kids are encouraged to go swimming.

4. Picasso painted those works of arts.

a. Those works of arts were painted by Picasso.                        
b. Those works of arts are painted by Picasso
c. Those works of arts is painted by Picasso.                               
d. Those works of arts will be painted by Picasso.     

5. Peter washes the red cars every day.

a. The red cars is washed by Peter every day.                            
b. The red cars will be washed by Peter every day.    
c. The red cars is being washed by Peter every day.                   
d. The red cars are washed by Peter every day.

2 comentários:

  1. Olá!
    Parabéns pelo ótimo trabalho de pesquisa e publicação utilizando o Prezi como objeto de aprendizagem!
    Continue utilizando e, quem sabe, construindo seu próprio Prezi!
    Jaqueline Godinho
    Formadora NTM
